.:: o fantástico destino de lady mi - parte 3 ::.

"Posso escolher entre ser constantemente ativa e feliz ou introspectivamente passiva e triste. Ou posso ficar louca, ricocheteando no meio" Sylvia Plath

sexta-feira, setembro 07, 2007

Ontem a noite terminei "O amor nos tempos do cólera". Há anos queria ler o livro, mas fui "informada" por um amigo que deveria antes ler o "Cem anos de solidão", pra me acostumar com a lingugem.
Como diria a Deinha, por uma conjunção astral, tudo ontem aconteceu. Tudo veio à tona e, é claro, tudo transbordou.
"O amor nos tempos do cólera" é a história de amor de Florentino Ariza por Fermina Daza por 53 anos, quatro meses e 11 dias.
Tempo... muito tempo...
E cinco anos é muito tempo pra mim.
Talvez já não acredite no amor, como também não acredite na morte...
E talvez por isso o "toda a vida" para mim não tenha mais sentido.
Acho que nem sempre precisamos cumprir promessas. Ainda mais quando se faz mais por caridade do que por seu valor...


  • At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said…

    (...)What's the use--when you will go back?" he broke
    out, a great hopeless HOW ON EARTH CAN I KEEP YOU?
    crying out to her beneath his words.

    She sat motionless, with lowered lids. "Oh--I shan't
    go yet!"

    "Not yet? Some time, then? Some time that you
    already foresee?"

    At that she raised her clearest eyes. "I promise you:
    not as long as you hold out. Not as long as we can
    look straight at each other like this."

    He dropped into his chair. What her answer really
    said was: "If you lift a finger you'll drive me back:
    back to all the abominations you know of, and all the
    temptations you half guess." He understood it as clearly
    as if she had uttered the words, and the thought kept
    him anchored to his side of the table in a kind of
    moved and sacred submission.

    "What a life for you!--" he groaned.

    "Oh--as long as it's a part of yours."

    "And mine a part of yours?"

    She nodded.

    "And that's to be all--for either of us?"

    "Well; it IS all, isn't it?"

    At that he sprang up, forgetting everything but the
    sweetness of her face. She rose too, not as if to meet
    him or to flee from him, but quietly, as though the
    worst of the task were done and she had only to wait;
    so quietly that, as he came close, her outstretched hands
    acted not as a check but as a guide to him. They fell
    into his, while her arms, extended but not rigid, kept
    him far enough off to let her surrendered face say the

    They may have stood in that way for a long time, or
    only for a few moments; but it was long enough for her
    silence to communicate all she had to say, and for him
    to feel that only one thing mattered. He must do nothing
    to make this meeting their last; he must leave their
    future in her care, asking only that she should keep fast
    hold of it.

    "Don't--don't be unhappy," she said, with a break
    in her voice, as she drew her hands away; and he
    answered: "You won't go back--you won't go back?"
    as if it were the one possibility he could not bear.

    "I won't go back," she said; and turning away she
    opened the door and led the way into the public
    dining-room. (...)

    Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence

  • At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said…

    Como Estalar Dedos Cruzados, ou, Uma Peça em 3 atos

    Tal qual um inconsciente neto de acrobatas, alheio ao circense passado genético de sua linhagem descobre, quando um ônibus está prestes a atropelá-lo, que é capaz de cambalhotas mirabolantes para escapar de seu destino esmagador, assim também a consciência de sua prontidão em estalar dedos para selar promessas vem, como num passe de mágica, junto do poder de estalá-los enquanto cruzados. Este novo contorcionista não mais trocará truques por esmolas, como seus antepassados o fizeram, mas passará a usar os dedos para um novo tipo de façanha, sem Grandes Esperanças de caridosas migalhas sem valor: os dedos serão também a língua, um e o mesmo, que aderem o selo aos dados lançados, e os maneja na posição correta do nosso desejo, "so much it almost feels like you´re cheating". Tão difícil é trazer algo de volta, que parecerá trapaça - mas apenas se sairmos antes do ato final. Como a projeção é feita num looping, dentro de um turbilhão, envolto por um vortex, o ato final será, aqui, também o primeiro.

    Every magic trick consists
    of three parts, or acts.

    The first part is called "the pledge."

    The magician shows you
    something ordinary.

    A deck of cards, a bird or a man.

    He shows you this object.

    Perhaps he asks you to inspect it,

    to see that it is indeed real,

    unaltered, normal.

    But, of course, it probably isn't.

    The second act is called "the turn."

    The magician takes
    the ordinary something

    and makes it do
    something extraordinary.

    Now you're looking for the
    secret, but you won't find it,

    because, of course,
    you're not really looking.

    You don't really want to know.

    You want to be... fooled.

    But you wouldn't clap yet,

    because making something
    disappear isn't enough.

    You have to bring it back.

    That's why every magic trick
    has a third act.

    The hardest part.

    The part we call...

    ..."the prestige."


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